Versions-History von Astaro
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Änderung des Felds
Hier am Mittwoch, 20. August 2008, 7:43:
Änderung des Felds
Beschreibung am Mittwoch, 20. August 2008, 7:43:
+Astaro's unique approach includes the integration of ten diverse security applications in a single appliance. Based on the proven quality of the Linux platform, Astaro integrates "Best of Breed" solutions through a combination of open source and leading commercial security products. This concept forged the most feature rich "all in one" appliance for network security on the market today. Astaro Security Gateway integrates network protection, web filtering and email security into an intuitive and easy to use, web based user interface.
Änderung des Felds
Abkuerzung am Mittwoch, 20. August 2008, 7:43:
+Astaro Internet Security
Änderung des Felds
Titel am Mittwoch, 20. August 2008, 7:43: